Aged Care

Specialists in maximising customer experience outcomes

Customer Science is a thought leader in the CX space in Australia through our active partnerships with key industry bodies. We are a proud partner of Aged and Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA).  

Aged Care Industry Partner

What we do

The Aged Care Royal Commission has highlighted the real need for providers to focus and transform their organisations around their customers. By keeping the customer at the centre of all decision making you will be better able to innovate and transform your organisation to seamlessly integrate your ideal ‘customer experience’ with the ‘customer service’ delivered by your frontline staff. 

Customer Science Group helps you implement and manage a successful customer experience program to differentiate your organisation in an increasingly competitive marketplace. From enquiry to conversion to care delivery and beyond – every touchpoint needs to be effortless for the customer and consistent for the organisation. Use customer experience design to help identify new growth opportunities while simultaneously generating greater customer engagement, and customer loyalty and increasing organisational profitability.  

Keeping your customer as a key strategic focus will help you appropriately respond to the growing demand for choice, control, and independence of your care recipients with the shifting demands and requirements of families. 

Case Studies


Customer Science is a thought leader in the CX space in Australia through our active partnerships with key industry bodies. We are a proud partner of Aged and Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA). 

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