Data & Information Management Solutions

Helping you to manage your data to protect and benefit your community

Data management is a critical element of any digital, customer or services transformation

What we do


In this era of rapidly expanding data reserves, most organisations struggle to utilise their information effectively.  In the absence of effective data & information management, strong data quality and objective-based analytics programs, it becomes increasingly difficult to respond to competitive or government business pressures to improve customer service, increase agility or optimise operations.

We are specialists in understanding and bridging these areas of business. Information management encompasses the concepts, functions and frameworks needed to manage information in all of its forms – structured, unstructured, spatial, digital, and physical – throughout its lifecycle, so that everyone in an organisation has a common understanding of the scope, nature, meaning and location of their information. 

Information value can be maximised if it is managed as a corporate resource, like all other business assets. It is from this position of strong information management that we develop objective-driven and sustainable data analytics strategies and programs.

As businesses adjust to their place in this shifting landscape, however, many are exposed to new and unfamiliar risks. The increasing number of privacy failings in private and public sectors demonstrates the need for potential impacts on privacy and security to be addressed.

We provide strategic privacy services to clients in a way that recognises the full life cycle of personal information collection and use. We are particularly experienced in developing privacy policy that puts in place meaningful privacy strategies and practices to guide your business. Our objective is to provide privacy advice that is meaningful and relevant to you; that best positions your business to minimise privacy risks and confidently take advantage of the rapidly developing tools and practices of the digital age. 

In addition to our privacy services, we have experience in providing a practical set of strategic cybersecurity and data protection services. These include performing risk and compliance assessments, assembling mitigation strategies, developing security frameworks and procedures, performing process audits, and providing health checks and good practice advice. Our approach, through consulting, is to grow cyber security and data protection awareness throughout the business and to support holistic and fit-for-purpose approaches to cybersecurity.

Our information and privacy services include:

  • Data & Information Strategy/Policy 
  • Architectures & Classifications
  • Information Management
  • Data Analytics & Quality
  • Dictionaries & Metadata Management
  • Privacy Guidelines & Assessments
  • Cyber Security Consulting & Advisory Services
  • Policy/Strategy Applied Learning 
  • Data Research/Analytics/Synthesis

Solution benefits

Improved Human Benefit

We specialise in using our data focused to deliver human benefits.

Business Objective Impact

Our services focus on your business objectives and brand to materially impact the vision and targets of your organisation.

Financial Return

Rapid return on your investment in our services.

We deliver more capacity, lower cost to serve, lower cost for the customer and/or revenue growth.

Sustainable Improvements

With templates, tools and coaching we provide the necessary toolkit to hand over sustained data and information management improvements.

Case Studies

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