Bill Vargas website

Bill Vargas

Principal Digital Health Consultant

Bill Vargas has over thirty years of ICT experience within the health sector in various roles ranging from technical operations to senior executive. His wide-ranging skills, experience and understanding in information and technology management, program management, business analysis and the integration of business and technology. His experience is founded upon a strong, broad technical background with key technology management roles with large health organisations.

He has many years of experience as a chief information officer and technical manager, where his record of success is a testament to his ability to understand technologies, business, projects, issues and people and to successfully deliver. He is increasingly called upon to provide practical innovation, implementation and union between business, technology and people. Bill’s passion is to advise, lead and develop health ICT solutions and teams that will enhance services, making a difference to patients’ wellbeing and to those providing their care.

Digital Health Strategic Planning, Policy and Investment Processes, Information Management policy development and implementation, Information systems and infrastructure planning, implementation and management, Privacy and cyber security, System integration development and implementation, and Systems and software development
Membership and Qualifications:

HIMSS Certified Professional in Digital Health Transformation Strategy (CPDHTS®)

Master of Business Administration – Technology (MBAX)  (in progress)

Diploma in Commercial Data Processing

IT Service Management Practitioner

Project Management for IT professionals

HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society)

Australasian Institute of Digital Health

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