Specialists in commercial and non-for-profit businesses. Having lead award-winning organisations we are deeply experienced practitioners.

Rapid Response Care

What we do We deploy contact (call) centre services within hours. You can rest assured your contact centre service is safe from volume spikes and external threats. Our team specialise in designing, configuring and managing: contingency plans rapidly deploying surge contact centres work-from-home contact centres Work-from-home technology platform contact centres Our solutions include ready skilled people, supported by operational excellence and enabled by technology while…

Business Technology

What we do Our team has delivered many successful technology projects, large and small, across the public and private sector. We’d love to explore how our services could help you. Our Services A holistic approach to supporting your business technology services. Insourcing Helping to define the right way to insource services after an outsource solution…

Contact Centre Technology

What we do We provide call centre consulting and professional services in Australia to design, procure, implement and manage call centre technology. With decades of experience and proven methodologies, you can rapidly and safely deliver your business objectives while satisfying your customers. What differentiates us is the combination of: customer experience research and design  contact…


Product overview In an increasingly globalised world, organisations are exposed to more risks, lower margins and greater competition than ever before. In order to survive in such a competitive economy, businesses need to stay relevant. The growing market of Data Analytics outsourcing tells us that more companies are investing in data analytics to transform their…


What we do AI and Automation represent an unmissable opportunity for your organisation. Customer Science is a specialist CX & digital transformation consultancy excelling in Intelligent Automation (IA). The objective of implementing automation is not to replace humans, but to ensure that people are at the heart of your digital transformation. Delegate time-consuming tasks to…

Management Consulting

What we do We provide management consulting services in Australia that are in the areas of: Strategy and Policy Governance and Performance Transformation and Change Board and CEO Solutions Strategy & Policy An organisation’s strategies and policies encapsulate the how, what, when and why of the business. Strategies and policies that are realistic, current and…