Customer Science establishes Rapid Response Care to help companies prepare for the impact of Coronavirus

As the global Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to evolve, many of us have already experienced some impacts to our daily lives.

With advice changing on a frequent basis, it can be challenging for contact centres to plan for all potential scenarios in this unprecedented time.

To help clients respond to this change in the way we work, we have established Rapid Response Care as a point of contact and reference for how we can adapt.


How can you prepare your contact centre to withstand this pandemic? 

A robust contact centre contingency plan is critical to maintain service delivery to your customers and safeguard the wellness of your team members and the community.

As the most important asset to any contact centre is the skilled workforce, it is important to ensure a plan is in place should:

  • Sick leave increase or volumes grow and you need access to a contingent workforce and optimised work practices
  • Self-isolation becomes more widespread resulting in the need for work from home options

If you don’t have a plan in place, we can support you to:

1.  Develop a practical contact centre contingency plan including trigger points and actions to maintain business continuity that may include:

  • Skill ready resources
  • Additional facilities
  • Enacting a WHS compliant work from home model
  • Business critical rapid processes, knowledge, workload routing and automation solutions
  • Technology enablement
  • Governance, data management, security, privacy and reporting

2.  Assess your current Business Continuity Plan to ensure the impacts of this pandemic (and any future) are considered and robustly planned for.


Have I left it too late?

No! The situation is evolving rapidly but we have a team of highly experienced contact centre consulting professionals ready to help you. And some solutions are able to be rolled out within a matter of hours. Contact us today to discuss how we can help businesses stay operational during this time and keep staff in jobs.

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