DMA – Strategy and Policy

An organisation’s strategies and policies encapsulate the how, what, when and why of the business. Strategies and policies that are realistic, current and understandable determine an organisation’s direction and growth.

As the old maxim goes, those that fail to plan, plan to fail.

Strategies enable the planning and progression of the business to be efficient and guided. They link corporate direction and business objectives to the operational aspects of the business through plans for critical matters such as performance, information, digital and information technology, business intelligence, communications and transitional change.

Strategic planning is essential to the development of operational systems that hold quality information to meet business needs. Our management consulting services can take clients from innovative ideas through policy development, feasibility and business cases to the management and realisation of benefits, the mitigation of risk and corporate reporting.

Strategies must be consistent with the development of well-considered and workable policies. We have a deep understanding of the full policy development cycle, from determining options for achieving a particular policy objective, selection and design of policy to achieve the outcomes being sought through to identifying the criteria required to evaluate the impact of the policy. We understand the complexity of policy development in the public sector and have extensive experience in identifying and consulting with groups that policy change may affect.

We provide business consulting services that can assist you with identifying and assessing the feasibility of policy options, quantifying and costing the risks and impact of new or changed policy, defining performance indicators and undertaking benchmarking studies to provide a baseline, developing policy evaluation frameworks and conducting data audits to make sure that the right data is available for evaluation.

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