Why we believe Health Care still needs data models despite the advances in FHIR?

Why do we believe Health Care still needs data models despite the advances in FHIR? (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) In recent years the healthcare system has been making great strides towards interoperability, that is the ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged. The panacea here…

Let’s Improve the Customer Experience in Healthcare

There is a saying “the customer is always right” so how does this play out in the health sector when the customer is also the patient? Let’s take a look. The increasing use of Electronic Health Records (EHR) and software in labs, pharmacies, and other healthcare settings, as well as the growth in data sourced…

The Growth Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence was a term most often found within the genre of Science Fiction. Now, in hindsight, it seems almost prophetic. Artificial Intelligence (AI) could be defined simply as the ability of a computer to perform its own reasoning, usually associated with human intelligence. AI technology is rapidly growing more sophisticated, efficient, accurate, faster, and cheaper. AI…

Exploring Digital Transformation & Maturity for a New Business Era

As the world becomes increasingly digital, businesses are making fundamental changes and re-examining old operating models to stay relevant and competitive through processes of digital transformation. Broadly speaking, digital transformation refers to the process of integrating technology into all areas of business, including but not limited to, the culture of the organisation and to drive significant change in the business model. This is important at the best of times,…