Performed an independent review of hospital procedures for NSW Health
Provided independent assurance to the Ministry of policy compliance, and made recommendations for continuing monitoring and improvement of practices in delivery of the services.

The NSW Ministry of Health commissioned an independent health consulting review of a selected service provided by hospitals in NSW, to assess adherence to legislation, NSW Health policies, procedures and advice provided by the Ministry of Health, and to identify where improvements could be made.
Based on the National and State standards provided, DMA conducted background research, and collaborated with the client to identify and contact key stakeholders and develop a business consultation plan.
A computerised tool was developed to enable the efficient collection of both quantitative and qualitative data for sample cases at a number of large hospitals across the State.
Onsite at each hospital DMA confirmed and clarified with stakeholders their existing local processes, prior to conducting a retrospective data and document review of the relevant paper and electronic records. The review included onsite and follow-up discussion with local stakeholders and the client.
The final deliverable from the review was a well-received report assessing specific practices at each of the local hospitals, and providing comparative findings at the district and State levels.
The review provided independent assurance to the Ministry of general satisfactory policy compliance, and made recommendations for continuing monitoring and improvement of practices in delivery of the service.