Aged Care Sector
Reducing risk of medication errors and identifying how the National Electronic Health Records could bring better outcomes to those needing aged care.

The business case was informed by interviews and workshops with key stakeholders across Australia held to inform solution design, feasible options and the scope of costs, risks and benefits. The business case included a full financial appraisal and sensitivity analysis, Risk Management Plan and Benefits Realisation Register.
A readiness assessment was performed to assess current information and business processes, define future processes and develop gap closure strategies to address information gaps and ensure facilities could participate in eHealth initiatives. This informed the deployment approach and mechanisms to promote adoption of systems to enable participation in improved integration with the health sector.
The project involved an assessment of the policy and process impacts that the introduction of eHealth would bring to the aged care sector, considering issues such as privacy, consent, authorised representatives, family access, liability, interaction between aged care processes such as ACAT assessments and eHealth systems.
A communication strategy was developed that identified all stakeholders and the communication materials and tactics appropriate for each group. A training plan and materials were developed to address both the business process and information system changes that staff needed to implement.