Customer Science Group turns 10

Celebrating a Decade of Excellence with Customer Science Group.

10 Years of Transforming CX Services in Australia.

A decade ago, we embarked on a journey to understand why Australia’s services were not world-leading and were often expensive to deliver, despite our abundant talent. We asked ourselves a critical question: Could we help organisations bridge the gaps to realise their customer experience (CX) and digital visions, enabling everyone to spend less time dealing with services and more time doing what they love?

Today, as we celebrate Customer Science Group’s 10th anniversary, we are thrilled to reflect on our achievements, the partnerships we’ve built, and the positive impact we’ve had on making Australia a better place!

A Look Back at Our Journey 
  • 2014: The dream began with a phone call from Jody Grima at Service NSW, inviting our CEO, Todd, to assist with the initial contact centre deployments. This pivotal moment led to the creation of Customer Science Pty Ltd.

  • 2016: Our journey gained momentum as our co-founders, Luke Davies and Todd Gorsuch, joined Government Panels and secured our first five clients. Anglicare and Service NSW/Dept of Customer Service became our anchor clients, and they remain important to us to this day.

  • 2018: We experienced rapid growth, expanding our core team to five people and several key partners. We scaled our operations to Melbourne and Perth, providing services across Australia.

  • 2019: The acquisition of Doll Martin Associates enriched our expertise in Data Management, Governance, and Security. This move also brought in Management Consulting solutions and Health & Aged Care specialists, crucial to our digital and customer experience consulting.

  • 2020: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we developed a rapid response capability, enabling organisations to scale and deliver remote work solutions. By the end of the year, we had serviced our first 100 clients with a team of over 15 people.

  • 2022: We launched our groundbreaking CXIaaS-driven customer analytics platform. United Contact Alliance (UCA) joined the team, bringing advanced Contact Centre technology architectural skills.

  • 2023: We partnered with industry leaders to push the boundaries of AI & Automation. Acquiring a key team from Reveal Group allowed us to scale our Service Automation practice and AI capabilities, leading to the birth of CX:AI.

  • 2024: Value Management Consulting joined our team, helping organisations deliver value and achieve their objectives.

Today, We Celebrate Milestones and Partnerships!
  • 1,000+ successful projects
  • 250+ happy clients
  • 50 partners
  • A team of 50 incredible people

We are proud of the amazing partnerships we’ve forged and the clients who share our passion for making Australia a better place. Our services have contributed to improving safety, health, welfare, economic outcomes, and organisational competitiveness.

And we are just getting started!

A huge thank you to our dedicated team, loyal clients, and supportive partners. Here’s to the next decade of innovation, growth, and success!

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